International Speaker | Author | Life Coach
Business & Marketing Consultant
"If you are not willing to make the sacrifice for what you want, you will end up sacrificing what you want."

Time Management
By definition, “Time management” is the process of organizing, planning and controlling how to divide your time between specific activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter, not harder. In that way, you get more done in less time, even when time is tight, and pressures are high. Failing to manage your time damages your effectiveness and causes stress.It seems that there is never enough time in...
Persuasive Marketing & Sales Presentation
Persuasion skills are extremely important for sales and marketing professionals as they are paid not only to interact with potential customers but also motivate them to invest in organization’s products and services. Overall performance of marketing and sales professionals is measured by the number of clients they could tap for their company. Marketing is the most ...
Leadership & Management
People often mistake leadership and management as the same thing but in essence, they are very different. The main difference between the two is that leaders have people that follow them, while managers have people who simply work for them. Particularly in small businesses, for a small business owner to be successful they need to be...
Who am I ?
Author, Speaker, Trainer & Life Strategist; Abou Kassoum O. is passionate about helping others to recreate themselves. He believes in the power of every individual to Learn, Lead and Thrive in a world led by the concept of the Global Economy. For him, “ People can come together and combine their strengths to shape THEIR world for the better.’’
Certified "Build Your Business" trainer by Microsoft Western & Central Africa and International Youth Foundation, Abou Kassoum actively participated in ...
Abou Kassoum O. & associates have been traveling and exploring the world to not only share what they know, but more importantly to learn from the people and groups they have chance to interact with. After all those trainings, experiences and opportunities, Abou Kassoum has become an experienced life strategist and public speaker in different areas. Among them, let's explore some few where Abou Kassoum has been developing his expertise as soft skills specialist...
Connect with Us
+57 317 86 24 935
Books, Publications & Interviews
This book will share some powerful tips with you as students. It will provide some specific strategies to help you improve not only your grades, but also you will encounter some principles to help you out to cultivate the powerful habits for you to take your studies to the next level. The Habits of SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS will also help you prepare the transition between your graduation and your first job opportunity...
Our Expertise
Un autor marfileño en Colombia
Abou Kassoum, escritor y conferencista de Costa de Marfil, llegó a Colombia para dar clase tras su paso por 15 países.
Dedicado al empoderamiento de la juventud, Abou Kassoum O. es conferencista, coach y fue presidente a nivel nacional de AIESEC, una organización orientada al emprendimiento y liderazgo de los jóvenes en Costa de Marfil. El autor de “Appétit du succès” (Hambre del éxito) y “The Habits of Succesful Students” (Los hábitos de los estudiantes exitosos) está en proceso de publicar su tercer libro, “El legado”...
Abou Kassoum: "siempre trato de empoderar a los jóvenes a donde voy"
Desde muy joven, el escritor costamarfileño Abou Kassoum se ha dedicado a trabajar para promover la cultura del empoderamiento entre los jóvenes. En su gira por América Latina promociona su más reciente creación 'Los hábitos de un estudiante exitoso', un libro que busca aportar a los jóvenes las herramientas para destacarse en el campo profesional...