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Our Expertise

Abou Kassoum O. and his associates have been traveling and exploring the world to not only share what they know, but more importantly to learn from the people and groups they have chance to interact with. After all those trainings, experiences and opportunities, Abou Kassoum has become an experienced life strategist and public speaker in different areas. Among them, let's explore some few where Abou Kassoum has been developing his expertise as soft skills specialist. 
From the various services provide by Abou Kassoum O. & his associates across the globe, exist a key point attached to their life's mission and their vision for the world around them. 
Abou Kassoum O. has been traveling from Africa to Latino America, passing by Europe and Asia for the same vision and mission he has for the world. The one of empowering and transforming more lives around him. He has been training, coaching, mentoring, teaching and speaking among thousands of people arcross those continents.
Today, him and his teammates believe in creating an environment where all the people take an active part in public life and engage proactive actions for the improvement of their circumstances. This future will be more responsive to the next generations’ needs. Each individual will be the owner of his destiny! 
Through strategic actions, we strive to help our partners excel at achieving optimal outcomes. Our deepest purpose is to provide opportunities for each person to become responsibly independent and effectively interdependent, in order to achieve worthwhile purposes.
Strategic Planning

As he leader for many local and global organizations from his studies until now, Abou Kassoum has been privileged to not only contribute the work with many managers in order to plan the different operations and activities, but also Abou is still helping numerous companies and organizations in order to create those amazing workplace. As Sociologist and Marketing specialist, Abou Kassoum knows the how to understand the social environment and therefore build powerful strategies for a great impact internally and outside the business, company, organization or institutions... 

Soft Skills

In terms of soft skills, Abou Kassoum deals with topics such as team building, team working and most importantly the crucial topic of team management. Beside all those aspect, the expert has been coaching and mentoring students, teachers, managers and group of people across more than 15 countries through some topics like "Effective Time Management", "The transition between one's current situation and his desired position". Through the various training experiences in the Microsoft YouthSpark program for Africa, he got the chance to learn a lot about the necessary soft skills required for every individual in order to make his dream become a reality, then live toward that dream.

After having spent years in youth organizations, and other types of volunteering organizations, Abou has earn some of the most requested skills in today's business world. Through most of his workshop around Leadership and Management, he knows his to point out the difference between these two terminologies. He know how to awake leader and managers awarenesses in oder to have clarity of mind around the same ... 

Marketing & Sales

As university professor, Abou Kassoum O. is Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility lecturer. He's been teaching and training hundreds young people a year in order to share with them the relevancy of that topic. Beside that Abou Kassoum works as Independent Consultant in companies and organizations.

From his previous experienced in the marketing, sales and business development within companies Africa, Asia and Latin America, Abou has a clear understanding of the local and global business environment. And his awareness around the idea of Marketing and Sales are always awaken. Therefore, the  Marketing, Sales and Business world has no secret for him in most of the situation. 

"Persuasive Marketing and Sales Presentation" is one of the most demanded topics from the businesses, companies and any kind of sales or distribution organization. Abou's abilities to design and customize this particular topic have allowed him to enter many companies and even universities for specific contributions. 

Academic Consulting 
Coaching & Mentoring
Public Speaking & Conferences 

As Independent consultant, Abou Kassoum has left his footprints in many unversities, institutes and organizations. His passion and willingness to create a better future for young people, have always been his leitmotiv for the education world. And those things allowed him to step into many places where considerable changes have happened and still happening.

Abou is travelling around Colombia exploring public and private universities, high schools, foundations and many training organizations for the same perspective. 

Because of his belief system based of the fact that education is the most powerful armement to win against loft troubles the world is going through, Abou and his Associates are willing to travel to any corner of globe in order to participate and contribute to any issue or challenge regarding the education and academic world...

Through one of his favorites "The teacher as protagonist in the academic success of his students", he has accessed many places to make valuable contributions for the education environment...      


Coach and Mentor for the Hult Prize team of La Sabana University in Colombia... As professional issued from the training, coaching and mentoring areas, Abou Kassoum has the abilities to accompany individuals as well as group of people towards a fulfilling their different projects. For having working several years organizations such AIESEC, the Ivorian National Red Cross Society as trainer and coordinating different activities, he has always found the way to get through any challenge coming his way. And he knows how to help others to reach theirs goals in that same logic adapting situations to their realities.   

Intervention in programs such the Microsoft YouthSpark in Africa where he played the role of trainer in the Build Your Business project for thousand of young men and women. 


He is currently a mentor for the "CEIS" Centro de Empredimiento e Innovacion de la Sabana. His expertise is being benefit to several entrepreneurs in the 11 municipalities of the Cundinamarca department of Colombia... 


Through his different books and publications, Abou is make a significant contribution through conferences and public speaking events where he share most of tips and principles developed from his productions. As storyteller who has explored at least four continents spreading the word around, he believes that we can make change happen finding our real purpose. As we go through some topics such as " Why we do what we do?" Abou has never failed front his audience in the different countries where he had the opportunity to speak. 

Therefore, from Universities passing by editorials to local and global companies, Abou Kassoum has been spending most of his time travelling and exploring Africa, passing by Europe, Asia and then Latin America for the same purpose of sharing and contributing to others in order to achieve the goals and fulfill their life missions.

High schools, training centers, global organizations or institutes, none of those entities has a real hidden secret for Abou. Different topics have been designed and customized to be adapted to his many different audiences across the continents. As special or main guest, many footprints have been left by Abou Kassoum in lot of places in the world ...


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